2010 Zerona Erchonia Laser +

2010 Zerona Erchonia Laser


Used 2010 Zerona Erchonia Laser treatment Body Contouring Machine Remove Fat EXPORT


Cold Laser Treatments
Treatment with the Zerona laser is easy, painless, and carefree. Each session takes less than an hour; the low-level laser is used for a total of 40 minutes. The laser is applied to the targeted area, which is generally a combination of the waist, hips, and thighs, for 20 minutes. The patient then turns over and the very same treatment is applied to the opposite side. The minimum suggested treatment period is two weeks, with three full sessions each week. You should consult your physician about the maximum results for your body type, weight, and target loss.

Many patients have described the session as relaxing, and even Zen. Some even try to catch up on phone calls with friends and loved ones as they lay down. You simply lay in a comfortable, stationary position for twenty minutes at a time, in a relaxed environment, while the cold laser does all of the work. Since the Zerona uses cold laser technology, you feel nothing during the procedure. You may feel a bit different and lighter as you exit the treatment center due to the bio-stimulation that begins in your body.

You are always welcome to listen to music, or just close your eyes and rest during the procedure. Listening to white noise such as running water or ocean waves is always a relaxing way to spend the forty-minute sessions. Ultimately, the treatment with a Zerona laser is a stark contrast to traditional methods of fat reduction procedures such as liposuction and gastric-bypass surgery. With Zerona, you can simply lie down, relax, and let the laser do all the work.

Four separate histological studies were performed to assess the efficacy of laser in the emulsification (liquefaction) of fat. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were utilized to analyze adipose tissue. SEM and TEM images revealed the collapse of adipose arrangements subsequent to laser therapy. The voluminous state of an adipocyte cell is reduced due to the emulsification process. The fatty material is evacuated from the cell and moves into extracellular space. The voluminous nature of adipocytes due to the accumulation of fatty material is what gives rise to an enlarged subcutaneous fat region. ZERONA induces the formation of a transitory pore in the membrane of the fat cell. The pore enables the fatty material to seep out across the aperture and into extracellular space. The following images show the result of laser energy on a single fat cell and a group of fat cells.

As you can see the Zerona treatment liquifies the fat and the cell dumps it into the intercellular space. There are two types of fat cells - Subcutaneous and Visceral. Subcutaneous fat is located directly above the skeletal muscle and below the skin. Its superficial placement is what ensures proper depth penetration of the laser energy. Patients containing a high volume of visceral fat (fat below the skeletal muscle) are not ideal candidates for this procedure. However, they may still contain subcutaneous fat; therefore, you can treat the individual by just ensuring they adopt a healthy diet to address the visceral fat.

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