FIJINON EPX-4400 Endoscopy FTS System


Used FIJINON EPX-4400 Endoscopy FTS System


FIJINON EPX-4400 Endoscopy FTS System Features:
High-Definition Endoscopy (HDe®) Digital Video Processor / Light Source

The EPX-4400HD, with its separate High-Definition digital video processor (VP-4400) and its 300 watt xenon light source (XL-4400), has been designed to meet the needs of any facility – ambulatory surgery center to academic medical center.

FIJINON EPX-4400 Endoscopy FTS System can be used with Fujinon’s exclusive Double Balloon Endoscopy® System (DBE) and 590 Series Super CCD™ endoscopes.
The EPX-4400HD provides you with the following standard features and benefits:

HDe High Definition endoscopy (HDTV 1080i)
- Increased image clarity and resolution
CompactFlash media card
- On board storage of images
    300 watt xenon primary light source
- Effective and efficient source of illumination
Automatic white balance
- Saves time while assuring color accuracy
Incremental electronic magnification up to 2X
- Allows for increased detail when required
Enhanced illumination control
- Immediate and direct control of the shutter function
Improved "quiet" pump
- Reduced noise and improved air/water flow
75 watt halogen secondary light source
- Provides backup for peace-of-mind

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