Midmark M9 New-Style Dental Autoclave Sterilizer


Midmark M9 New-Style Dental Autoclave Sterilizer for Instruments w/ 4 Trays


Features: Automatic water filling, automatic steam pressure exhaust release, 30 minute drying phase, notifies staff that drying phase and sterilization are complete, dual gaskets on door assembly

Benefits: Reliable and proven design, easy to use, maintains maximum seal

This model may display error code E001 when the unit is unplugged. This is normal operation.

- Manufacturer: Midmark
- Model: M9
- Serial Number: V941513
- Power Requirements: 120V
- Sterilizer Type: steam chamber
- Timer Function: features a timer with a variety of cycle options
- Controls: digital control display
- Chamber Depth: 18"
- Chamber Diameter: 11"
- Number of Trays: 4 trays

Technician Testing Procedure:
- Performed multiple test cycles and spore test
- Replaced door gasket

Mechanical Condition:
- Fully functional
- Passed spore test

Cosmetic Condition:
- Minor marks and chamber stains from prior use

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