Olympus ENF P4 Fiber Optic Rhino Laryngoscope


The Olympus ENF P4 Fiber Optic Rhino Laryngoscope offers users high-grade fibre-optics that are always a step ahead


Larger, brighter, crisper images are guaranteed due to the incorporation of the very latest high-grade fibre-optic technology and new optical system. Together, these result in a 25% greater image size than previous scopes, and increased image detail, clarity and brightness. The result is a remarkable image with maintained resolution and the same 3.4 mm diameter of previous models.

Latest fibre-optic technology for enhanced images:
Incorporating the latest high-grade fibre-optic technology so that images are clear, accurate and large, with a higher resolution and brightness than previous models, making observation capability remarkable.

Wide up/down angulation for easy manoeuvrability:
The ENF TYPE P4 can be angled up or down by up to 130°, making it easier to insert, remove and manoeuvre as needed during rhino-laryngo procedures.

Wide field for comprehensive views:
The wide 85° field of view enlarges the overview, thereby allowing comprehensive views of the nasal cavity and laryngo-pharynx areas.

Longer 300 mm scope:
Lengthening the scope to 300 mm has made insertion and use easier for transnasal laryngoscopy- /vocal cord- and pharynx procedures.

Optical System:
- Field of view: 85°
- Depth of field: 5-50 mm
- Insertion Tube: Distal end outer diameter: 3.4 mm
- Insertion tube outer diameter: 3.6 mm
- Working length: 300 mm
- Bendind Section    Angulation range: Up 130°, Down 130°
- Total Length: 530 mm
- come with case

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