GE LOGIQ E portable ultrasound


Used GE LOGIQ E portable ultrasound with 12L-RS MSK/Breast Transducer For Sale !!


This GE LOGIQ E portable ultrasound machine provides high end imaging capability in a midrange, affordable system and employs a full range of broadband transducers including 4D options. The GE Logiq e portable ultrasound machine has true Shared Services capabilities and is essentially the only portable ultrasound in its class and price range that has truly good image quality across all applications.

TheGE LOGIQ E portable ultrasound is an affordable solution for a quality machine that doesn’t compromise its size for its ability to perform. Aiding clinicians in providing better, more accurate diagnostic imaging, the LOGIQ E Ultrasound system integrates many groundbreaking technologies. This LOGIQ unit features TruScan architecture, PDI (Power Doppler Imaging), Panoramic images (up to 60cm), split screen, SmartScan, and ComfortScan technologies. Combining these technologies into one system helps to perform in some of the most diagnostic imaging applications including; anesthesia, head and neck, musculoskeletal, rheumatology, and more.

Features include:
- Applications: Abdominal, OB/GYN, Musculoskeletal, Vascular
- Doppler Types: Power, PW-HPRF, Color M-Mode
- 15” High-Resolution Monitor
- Auto Optimization
- Triplex
- Wideband Multi-Frequency Transducers
- 20-Degree Color Steering
- Variable Zoom Capability
- Auto Calculations
- Three Programmable Print Keys
- Flexible Annotation
- USB QuickSave,
- Virtual Convex
- 80 GB HDD,
- 70 GB Image Storage (40 GB Hard Drive, 30 GB Image Storage)
- 325 Frames (15 Sec.)
- 64 MB Standard Cine Memory
- 2.49” (Console Only), 3.12” (With Handle) X 13.88” X 11.71” (Console Only), 13.35” (With Handle), 10.1 Lbs.  

Includes: an 12L-RS probe

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